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Adminhtml Documentation

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to working with adminhtml in Magento 2. adminhtml is the administrative interface of Magento, which allows administrators to manage different aspects of the website, such as products, orders, customers, and more.


The adminhtml area in Magento 2 follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, just like the frontend. Understanding the components of adminhtml and how they interact with each other is crucial for developing custom admin functionalities.

Creating a Custom Adminhtml Module

To create a custom adminhtml module, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create the required module directories and files.
  2. Declare the module in app/etc/config.php.
  3. Enable the module using the command line or the Magento Admin Panel.
  4. Create admin routes, controllers, layouts, blocks, grids, forms, and menus as per your requirements.

Admin Routes

Admin routes are used to map URLs to controllers in the admin area. They define the structure of the URL and the corresponding controller action.

To create an admin route, define the route in adminhtml/routes.xml in your custom module:

<config xmlns:xsi=""
<router id="admin">
<route id="your_route_id" frontName="your_front_name">
<module name="Your_Module" before="Magento_Backend"/>

After defining the admin route, you can access it using the following URL: /admin/adminhtml/your_front_name/controller/action.


Controllers in adminhtml handle the request and response for a specific admin route. They execute the business logic and interact with models and other components to fulfill the request.

To create a controller, extend the Magento\Backend\App\Action class and define your actions:

namespace Your\Module\Controller\Adminhtml\Controller;
use Magento\Backend\App\Action;
class YourController extends Action
public function execute()
// Your controller logic here


Layouts define the structure and composition of the adminhtml pages. They control the placement of blocks and define the appearance of the page.

To create a layout file, create your_module_controller_action.xml in Your/Module/view/adminhtml/layout/:

<page xmlns:xsi=""
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="Your\Module\Block\Adminhtml\YourBlock" name="your_block_name"


Blocks in adminhtml are responsible for generating and rendering HTML content. They contain the logic and data required to display the information on the admin page.

To create a block, extend the Magento\Backend\Block\Template class and define your block:

namespace Your\Module\Block\Adminhtml;
use Magento\Backend\Block\Template;
class YourBlock extends Template
// Your block logic here


Grids are used to display tabular data in the adminhtml. They provide sorting, filtering, and pagination functionalities.

To create a grid, extend the Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Grid\Container class and define your grid:

namespace Your\Module\Block\Adminhtml;
use Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Grid\Container;
class YourGrid extends Container
// Your grid logic here


Forms in adminhtml are used to collect and save data. They allow administrators to enter and edit information through input fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, and more.

To create a form, extend the Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Container class and define your form:

namespace Your\Module\Block\Adminhtml;
use Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Container;
class YourForm extends Container
// Your form logic here


Menus in adminhtml provide navigation and organization of different sections and pages. They allow administrators to access different functionalities easily.

To add a custom menu item, create menu.xml in Your/Module/etc/adminhtml/:

<config xmlns:xsi=""
<add id="Your_Module::your_menu_id" title="Your Menu Title" module="Your_Module" sortOrder="10"
<add id="Your_Module::your_submenu_id" title="Your Submenu Title" parent="Your_Module::your_menu_id"
module="Your_Module" sortOrder="10" action="your_route_id/controller/action"

ACL (Access Control List)

The ACL in adminhtml controls the access and permissions for different admin users. It defines which users can perform specific actions or access certain pages.

To define an ACL, create acl.xml in Your/Module/etc/adminhtml/:

<config xmlns:xsi=""
<resource id="Magento_Backend::admin">
<resource id="Your_Module::your_acl_resource" title="Your ACL Title" sortOrder="10"/>


Working with adminhtml in Magento 2 requires a good understanding of its components and their relationships. This documentation aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of creating a custom adminhtml module, including admin routes, controllers, layouts, blocks, grids, forms, menus, and ACL. By following the examples and guidelines provided, you should be able to develop custom admin functionalities with ease.